


一提到千禧一代,经理们就会有一种恐慌感(找不到更好的词来形容了)。总的感觉是,他们非常精通技术,有资格。作为一个必须和这群人一起工作的人,如果我带着这种感觉,我将无法公正地对待他们的发展和融入组织。我说的第一件事是,我认为他们和我们在他们这个年龄时并没有什么不同。当然,他们精通技术,但那是因为我们当时还没有这种技术。我们比上一代人做得更好,因为我们知道如何操作电脑。这是当时的技术悟性。我们有一种优越感,因为我们觉得在我们之前的人太传统了,而我们有突破性的想法。科技已经改变了,年轻人的生活方式却没有改变。我觉得这对这些年轻人来说是一个重要的信息。 They should be allowed space and scope to voice their opinions and ideas. They won’t do so if they are shut down by some manager who’s on a panic mode. Truth is, we’re all scared of things that we don’t understand. However, fact is that we do understand. We were in their place few years back.

在这个背景下,谈论参与性是很重要的。同样,我的想法在这个问题上略有不同,因此我觉得我应该允许学生们对他们想要如何参与工作发表自己的看法。有很多关于工作乐趣的想法,以及他们想如何享受和在办公室度过美好时光。我完全同意……但是,我对这一点的看法在接触领域有所不同。我同意工作中的乐趣很重要,但工作本身也可以是乐趣。找到你喜欢的东西,然后去做,这是非常重要的。不要误解我的意思,我并不是要他们中的任何一个人放弃学业,去从事一些具有异国情调和令人兴奋的工作。我提倡集成。你喜欢写作?从事媒体工作,也许有一天你会成功的。 You love to travel, take up a challenging assignment in Sales & marketing. Go out and explore the corporate world. Enjoy what you do. The biggest challenge a professional faces is that of boredom. Don’t do something which bores you. Find out what work excites you and then work towards that. Not everyone will get exactly what they want at the beginning of their career, but all can work towards it.

最后,我们谈到了如何为公司做好准备。对此我有一个简单的想法——做你知道的事情,保持正确的态度,继续学习。你遇到的每一个人都会给你一个教训。学习好,吸收好,贯彻好。成功唾手可得。每个人会成功吗?我相信如此。他们自己可能理解,也可能不理解,但几乎每个人都成功了。我的成功是由我自己的能力和能力决定的。如果我每件事都全力以赴,我就成功了。 The degree of success will vary, but that’s because we measure success with fixed parameters. If we open our mind and view it through our own competence, we will always define our own success. The question that comes up is, will organisations accept such definitions? The answer is probably not and that’s why it’s critical to find a role which excites and inspires you. If you are excited and passionate about something, you will succeed. However, a word of caution to all readers, first make sure that you have the necessary competence and ability to do that job. You may be passionate about singing, but can’t hold a tune, it’s a good idea to find a day job to keep the family running.

关于作者Sumit Mukherjee




